Category Archives: Uncategorized

Illinois Personal Injury Attorney Explains the Common Types and the Claim Process

Personal injury is among the most common civil litigations filed in the United States. Personal injury law, also known as tort law, allows an injured person to file a lawsuit for financial compensation, provided it fits the necessary legal parameters.  Usually, you can file a personal injury claim for a variety of accidents, ranging from … Continue reading Illinois Personal Injury Attorney Explains the Common Types and the Claim Process

How much is my Workers’ Compensation case Worth?

 A common question we hear when talking to clients is, “how much is my case worth?”  If you are hurt on the job in Illinois you are going to hear terms like PPD or “percentage loss of use,” and they can be confusing.  Hopefully, we can clear that up a bit.   Almost every Illinois … Continue reading How much is my Workers’ Compensation case Worth?

Prescription Pain Medication – A Look Ahead

We need to get ready – it’s coming – and there isn’t anything that can be done to stop it. What I’m talking about is the vigorous regulation of prescription pain medications. A recent study by the CDC (Center for Disease Control) presented some pretty alarming statistics with respect to prescription pain medications. These medications, … Continue reading Prescription Pain Medication – A Look Ahead